secluded land bordering national forest? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anyone know of anybody who may have a large tract of land, that is no longer being used for farming etc. who may want to sell a small section possibly 10 acres+/- with some woods, rural, vacant, raw/unimproved for about $10,000/$15,000.Thanks
-- Stephen Coffman (, March 06, 2002
You could get more than 10 ac in upstate Ny for that.
-- Patty {NY State} (, March 06, 2002.
Southern Missouri has lots of that around the Mark Twain National Forest.I have no affiliation with this realty company.... Cozort Realty. Put that in a search engine. You can look at properties online, or call them.
-- Rose (, March 06, 2002.
Hey Rose do you live down by West Plains?? I live just north in Mountian View.
-- Teresa (, March 06, 2002.
Northern Minnesota has loads of National Forests and I am sure you can find land in, or near it for somewhere close to your price.Susan
-- Susan in MN (, March 06, 2002.
Don't consider the National Forest to be a best neighbor. Their borders are not fixed and sometimes their practices can contaminate water sources.I lived a dream in Missouri of building my hideway on land that abuted the National Forest. I awoke one day to learn that the National Forest had just given away that land to private ownership in what is called a "Property for Property Exchange." That means the NFS has a piece of land it wants somewhere and another it isn't all that interested in. It will trade you properties if you buy the piece that they want, or portion of it, and offer to exchange.
They're supposed to publicize their intention to exchange property before a cutoff date for protests. They oftentimes don't. In my case in Missouri, the person who wanted the land to extend his already considerable holdings got it for pennies on the dollar.
Our government in action! And never believe a Real Estate sales person as to government land borders or futures. Their interest, after all, is the commission they'll get regardless of what happens to your investment.
Vern M.
-- Vern M. (, March 07, 2002.