Nikon F80S Shutter release : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread |
There is a hole in my shutter release button of my Nikon F80S for the manual cable. Just wondering if water or dust can get in thru the hole and into my camera?RL
-- RL (, March 06, 2002
Short answer is no. The hole is probably not drilled all the way thru' into the body. BUT then again, there are lots more gaps in the F80 that will allow water in! If you're really worried, you can screw in a soft release into the hole to cover it. Nikon makes a nice one for not too much $$$.
-- sunil (, March 06, 2002.
Sunil, whats the name of the screw that can cover the hole of my shutter release button because i want to buy one.RL
-- RL (, March 06, 2002.