Certified wood veneers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Green & Sustainable Building Design : One Thread

My name is John Flood and I work for Dooge Veneers Inc. We have just been FSC certified. I have a meeting next week to talk about LEED certification as well as other certifications and how they impact the building design trade for a specific project. If you could share some info about LEED and their view on this subject. Thank you.

Best Regards;

John Flood Vice-president

-- john flood (john@doogeveneers.com), March 05, 2002


Sorry John,

I cannot help on this subject, however my company D.F.Richards (Veneers) Ltd are a UK based concern that have been buying rotary cut veneer from US and Canada since 1972. We are looking for a US partner to supply FSC veneers with full source traceability. 0.5/0.6mm thickness in Export Production several species :- White & red Oak, Cherry, Maple, White Oak, Black Walnut etc Please visit our website on www.the-veneer.com it is an old site I'm afraid but it will give you an idea of what we do.

If you are able to help please reply on my business email:- keithp@the veneer.com I will then formulate a detailed enquiry and arrange for my buyer to visit. Good Luck with the Leed Certification

-- Keith Pontin (KthPontin@aol.com), December 01, 2003.

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