Can I use Toast 5 to burn a DVD-Video Disc? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

In windows, I've used SmartRipper, DVD Junior, & Nero (UDF/ISO mode) to make mini-DVDs successfully. Recently I bought an iMac with "Super Drive" which can burn DVD-Rs. I wonder if it is possible for me to rip VOB files out from several commercial DVDs in SmartRipper and re-compile in DVD Junior under "Virtual PC", and then drag & drop the "finished" files to Toast 5's DVD-mode to burn a DVD-video disc? Or should I use iDVD or DVD Studio Pro? (I'd like to know the answer in advance instead of wasting a DVD-R disc!)

-- Frederic (, March 04, 2002


U can rip and re-compile but I don't know about Toast 5. Why not use a DVD-RW first?

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, March 05, 2002.

Hi, Tekdemir!

Nice to meet you & thanks for your reply. I'd like to use a DVD-RW disc to try in advance, but my iMac's Super Drive doesn't support DVD-RW. Is there any other method to do?

Best Regards, Frederic.

-- Frederic (, March 05, 2002.

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