Playing Video CD on Sony DAV : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
What kind of CD-R media works best for VideoCD in a SONY DAV-S500?. I have a Philips CD RW, and capture using Dazzle DVCII, create video CD with Easy CD Creator 5 video CD software. The discs I have created will not play - the Sony knows they are video discs but says the disc is dirty! I am using Philips CD-R80 Silverspeed and am in the process of trying lots of other CD-R and CD-RW brands; can you recommend a better CD-R to use for this, before I decide to go into business making coasters?
-- K Pygott (, March 04, 2002
Prime Peripherals brand CD-Rs are known to work in Sony DVD players that supposedly don't support CD-R. These are sold in America in the Office Max chain of stores. Perhaps you could order some online. Most CD-RW brands work well in Sony players. I can personally confirm that Maxell and Sony brand CD-RW work. If you can't find Prime Peripherals brand CD-Rs, you might try CD-RW.
-- Jason (, March 05, 2002.