Daily Herb Listing - ALFALFA

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Alternate Names: Lucerne, Purple Medic, Buffalo Grass, Chilean Clover

Parts Used: Sprouts, leaves, flowers.

Properties: Anti-inflammatory, Diuretic, Galactagogue, Nutritive, Stomach Tonic, Phytoestrogenic, Tonic.

Internal Uses: Anemia, Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis, Cancer, Celiac Disease, Colitis, Convalescence, Edema, Fatigue, Halitosis, High Cholesterol, Hyperestrogenism, Hypoestrogenism, Jaundice, Menopause, Menstrual Problems, Obesity, Ulcers, Varicose Veins

Internal Applications: Tea, Capsules, Tincture

Topical Uses: Wounds

Topical Applications: Use as a bath herb, facial steam, hair rinse. Also, use as a poultice on wounds. The root can be peeled, dried and frayed (by hitting with a hammer) to be used as a toothbrush.

Culinary uses: The young leaves and flowers may be eaten as a salad or pot herb. After the seeds sprout, they are eaten as a salad vegetable.

Energetics: Salty, Neutral, Moist.

Chemical Constituents: Chlorophyll, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc, fluorine, electrolytes, isoflavones, coumrains, betaine, alkaloids (stachydrine), phytoestrogens antioxidant (tricin).

Contraindications: The herb is considered very safe, however there has been some concern about the safety of eating large amounts of the sprouts which contain the alkaloid, conavanine. Those with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis should avoid eating Alfalfa sprouts; however the leaves and flowers are perfectly safe for everyone.

Comments: The name Alfalfa is derived from the arabic al-fac-facah and means 'father of all foods'. The genus name, Medicago, refers to Medea in North Africa from where this plant is thought to have originated. The species name, sativa, means 'with a long history of cultivation'. Alfalfa was an important crop to the Arabs who fed it to their racehorses.

Where Alfalfa grows wild, it is an indicator of rich soil. It is planted by farmers and turned under to fix nitrogen and enrich the soil. When cows consume it, it increases their milk production. Alfalfa is an excellent nutritive food for people convalescing. It is a commercial source of chlorophyll.

-- Phil in KS (pemccoy@yahoo.com), March 04, 2002


Hey Phil! That's good info on Alfalfa. I'm presently takin the 4 herbal tea to detoix the old body of mine. I'm in the process of being healed of colon cancer---[Almighty God did it on Jan 12, 02] via a preacher in TX. In the meantime I started on this hearbal tea mixture to help things along a mite. Also our food is full of toxins that need to be dealt with. No sense in tempting Him when we can help take care of our body.

Very good information you provided--Thanks!! Old hoot gibson. Matt.24:44

-- old hoot gibson (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 04, 2002.

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