Most children?? : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Who has the most children? Tell us all about them and how you manage day to day living with a house full of children!!

You all know I have only 4. Sometimes it seems like a dozen though!!!

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, March 04, 2002


We have 1, Thats enough.

-- Gary in Ohio (, March 04, 2002.

6 between us, all grown.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, March 04, 2002.

Can I count the 2 cats and 2 dogs?They take as much care as the human kids!I have 4 kids.Their ages are 22,18,12, and 2.I they are so spaced out the last two were pleasant surpries from God.I think He knew I could handle them better that way.

-- willa in IL. (, March 04, 2002.

I have 4 here, 3 boys and 1 girl. Because they are home full-time (homeschool) it does get very busy sometimes.

-- Silvia (, March 04, 2002.

Well, my husband & I have 12 blessings!!! All ours!!! 7 daughters & 5 sons. Ages from age 21-3 months. I'm only 41--so--yes, there might be more!!!

We live frugally, on my husbands salary & are very happy & close.

Marsha--wife to my sweetie Loren--Mamma to 12 blessings!!!!!

-- Marsha (, March 04, 2002.

We had yours/mine & ours & foster children & adopted children---don't think I ever kept count--- I'm the one/ when in a store & some one says /Mom--or Grandma----I answer with out looking!!! ha!

Marsha---you should receive the award!!!! Bless you!!!

-- Sonda in Ks. (, March 04, 2002.

Do I get to count my husband?

Two boys, 5 1/2 and 3. Born 2 years, 6 months and 4 days apart!

Husband, 30. Can't decide if he is still a teenager or getting ready for the old folks home!

-- Christine in OK (, March 04, 2002.

I love seeing that there are other families here who are spaced out like mine. This was God's doings, not ours. We have 5 children living, ages 3 (almost 4) to 25. Also, 4 grandchildren, ages 1 1/2 to 7. We would have loved to have more and it may still happen but I'm getting really old to be having more, lol.

-- Deena in GA (, March 04, 2002.

We have 4 children also, son 21, daughters 20 and 20 (twins), son 3. We named him Timothy, his name means gift from God. The first three are in college.

-- Gina NM (, March 04, 2002.

I have one totally AWESOME, wonderful, great 14 year old son. We do believe the sun rises and sets with him and my husband agrees! I'm a little nervous our opinion could change after the drivers license so we are into enjoying now.

-- DW in CO (, March 04, 2002.

I have 4 girls and a son. Their ages are 32, 28, 27, 25 and 20. And then when the 14 grandkids come over, we sure have a full house.

-- Jean in No. WI (, March 04, 2002.

I have three boys, 13,9,&7. But I have to say to Marsha, I have a friend who they got married the exact same day that my husband and I did, who is only 36 and has 13!! Two sets of twins. Our oldests are the same age, but she was a lot busier than I was in between!! All of ours were gifts from God as we (PTL) never had to try to get pregnant, but neither did we try to hard to NOT get pregnant. I would love about 10 more, but my husband says 3 boys are it, we will not be able to afford more when they are 22, 18 &16!!!!

-- Ivy in NW AR (, March 04, 2002.

We only have four. Two sons born to us, one son adopted and one child waiting in heaven for us.

-- Terry - NW Ohio (, March 05, 2002.

2 preteen girls are plenty for me now but when they are a bit bigger and we have more room I want to do foster care

-- Karen (, March 05, 2002.

Six--4 boys, 2 girls; ages 14 in April, 12, 10, 7 1/2, 6 in April, 3. #7 is due Aug. 28.

-- Cathy N. (, March 05, 2002.

,, 9

-- Stan (, March 09, 2002.

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