Looking for rural property in Oregon

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We live in southern Oregon on four acres, and are looking for a place in Benton, Polk, Yamhill, Linn, or Lane Counties. We would like a minimum of 20 acres with an old, classic, turn-of-the-century farmhouse with outbuildings. We'd like something with a mix of pasture and trees. A fixer-upper is fine, even preferred - the place you think should be bulldozed might just be what we're looking for {we're very "handy").

We're self-employed and homeschool our kids, so we can live pretty far off the track. We're trying to keep the price under $200K (pipe dream, I know). I keep close tabs on every real estate search engine in the area, and we're working with a couple of real estate agents as well. However, I'm trying to catch the ideal piece of property before it hits the market. Anyone know of anything available?


-- Patrice (dldesigns@wave.net), March 03, 2002


Can you tell us how you are self-employed? I am looking for way of working from home. Thanks

-- Mike (uyk7@hotmail.com), March 03, 2002.

I'll start another thread on that subject. Meanwhile, any properties?

-- Patrice (dldesigns@wave.net), March 03, 2002.

Would you consider Modoc County? There is a WONDERFUL place near us - $130 (overpriced) with a good mobile, a gueshouse (bedroom, kitchenette, bathroom), large metal (steel) barn, horse corral, a GOOD poured foundation just begging to be built upon, 2 excellent weels, views of mountains and lakes, good neighbors, off the main road, about 5 miles to town of 800, can only see one neighbor's home (sort of).....I THINK it is around 40 acres but I don't remember that particlar detail! (Our inlaws looked at it...)

Biggest downfall is you are in CALIFORNIA - but then we also didn't consider Oregon or Washington any big prize due to rabidly liberal state governments (all sorts of land rights restrictions, to name just one.)

Anyway, check out United Country Stevenson Reality on the web (no, I don't work for them but they have this property listed.) Or call them at their Alturas office (the property is a ways from Alturas but I don't want to get any more specific.)

-- Elizabeth (hemsley@hdo.net), March 04, 2002.

Try Montana (western Montana) Can't be beat !!

-- Rick Kimmerling (kimmerling@hotsprgs.net), April 17, 2002.

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