Treatment of Sore Hocks : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a 10-month old dwarf rabbit. She has a sore hock. Does anybody know of any possible treatments? Does the fur normally grow back? I bought some polysporin for it. Anybody know if this will work? Thanks so much.

-- Renee S (, March 02, 2002


what the bottom of her cage? wire? wood? if wire,,is it the correct side out?, if wood,, is there a way for urine to get thru?,,usually just adding straw or hay,, or a board to get her off the botom of the cage will work. Just keep an eye for infection

-- Stan (, March 02, 2002.

Renee, I have left a piece of wood in the cage to help with sore hocks. Make sure you clean the wood daily. What size is the wire on the bottom of the cage? I also have a rabbit forum on usnet you can post over there as well topic=Raising%20meat%20rabbits%20for%20profit

-- tracy (, March 02, 2002.

Iodine on the sores, wood over part of floor.

-- kathy h (, March 02, 2002.

Thanks for the answers. Fiji doesn't really live in a cage. He is a house rabbit and I keep him in the spare bedroom. He has a litter box with wood chips as litter but he doesn't sit in it for long periods of time, so I don't think the urine or the hard bottom would be the reason for the problem...

-- Renee S (, March 03, 2002.

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