What happened to the meat rabbit forum on luscent ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone know where the meat rabbit forum went that was on luscent ?

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@hotmail.com), March 01, 2002


Patty, I found it on the Active and Inactive archives on LUSENET last night. Hope this helps!

-- Terran in VT (homefire@sover.net), March 01, 2002.

It's still there. Here's the link:

http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a.tcl?topic=Raising%20meat% 20rabbits%20for%20profit

When the forums aren't very active, they disappear from the main Lusenet list and you have to click on ALL FORUMS at the bottom of the list to find them.

-- Cheryl in KS (cherylmccoy@rocketmail.com), March 01, 2002.

Thanks guys !

-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@hotmail.com), March 01, 2002.

We are still out there. I have been really busy latley and things have slowed down. Feel free to drop in and ask away. Tracy

-- tracy (murfette@stargate.net), March 01, 2002.

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