The insufficient 99.9 percent : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

One of the hardest hitting truths I've been taught lately is that anything less than 100 percent obedience, is disobedience. The consequences of disobedience still apply even if we've been mostly obedient.

In 1 Sam 15: Saul is commanded to destroy the Amalekites, men, women, children, and animals. This was a huge task. Some scholars believe he and his army killed up to 100,000 people and countless animals in obedience to the Lord. Yet he failed to kill the king, and the best of the animals. The animals, he claimed, were to be offered in sacrifice. This he believed was an honorable reason to deviate from God's instructions.

When Samuel appeared Saul greeted him enthusiastically, claiming in vs 13 that he'd carried out the Lord's command. Samuel went on to tell him his 99.9 percent obedience added up to disobedience, and the results for Saul were catastrophic.

How many of our lives, churches, and ministries are operating under the deception that deviation from God's specific command, or obedience at the 99.9 percent level is sufficient? Like Saul we deceive ourselves into believing that a little deviation for what seems a good reason is ok, or we leave undone what appear to be small parts of God's command. Turns out they're not so small!

I'm not advocating legalism, but I am advocating 100 percent obedience. Legalism is man made rules added on to God's commands. Obedience is following God's commands in full. As we grow God will point out areas of disobedience. He'll peel back the layers of our lives, showing us things that must be adjusted year by year. At that point we are not to debate or hold back. We are to fling our lives into submission with great abandon. And you'll be so glad you did. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Praise God!

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2002


RP: You raise an intriguing but problematic question. Unconditional obedience suggests a zero-tolerance for "mistakes". If people did not make mistakes concepts like lienency, mercy or grace would have no theological legitimacy. The goal of course is unconditional obedience but the attainment of that goal is often precluded due to negligence, selfish ambition or careless living. If God mandates 100% obedience doesn't this mean we are essentially living a sin-free life? If we are living a sin-free life do we not violate the commands recorded in IJohn 1:8-10? The story you cite about Saul's embellishment of the truth regarding his military conquest illustrates that "obedience is better than sacrifice". However, the Exodus account of Aaron authorizing the Hebrews to create the idolatrous golden calf icon resulted in him having no sanctions. Now, I find this story (Aaron's disobedience) peculiar because one would think that violation of the 1st Mosaic Command would result in swift and grave consequences. But, it did not. Why, I'm not sure but it does show that less-than 100% obedience doesn't guarantee Divine punishment. QED

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2002

100% obedience is possible by Grace through Faith in Christ Jesus. All of my short-comings are covered by the blood of Jesus.


Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2002

Rev. Paris,

Does that also include does of us who do not tithe?


-- Anonymous, March 01, 2002

Rev. Paris,

Let me correct my spelling in this post.

Does that also include those of us who do not tithe?


-- Anonymous, March 01, 2002

The Late Bishop Harold Irving Bearden, whom I knew well, often closed his sermons before the Invitation with the following statement.

"One day I shall stand before the Judgment Seat of God the Father. When my charges are read He shall stamp GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY on every charge. Then God the Son shall come forth to plead my case and He shall bring with Him one drop of His Precious Blood. Thus, God the Judge shall say, "Though you were guilty on ever charge your debt has already been PAID IN FULL"

"Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."

I too am confident that I often fall short of the Glory of God and that I may sometimes not only fall short of the 90 and 9 but I may even make only 80 percent. However, I trust SOLELY in the Saving Grace of Jesus My Lord. Thus, I am confidently assured of what He has already done for me on the HOLY CROSS. Therefore, I stand assured that it is well with my soul as with all those who by faith and trust Believe on His Name.

To The Utmost Jesus Saves and so I shall never need to once again pay, suffer, or bear affliction for what He has already done on the cross. It is done and paid--100 percent--in full. HALLELUJAH, AMEN!

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2002

Brother Dickens,

My pastor used an illustration of his young son. At 2 years of age he allowed much leeway and was mild even in punishment of obvious rebellion. As the boy grew older the standards were raised, and punishment became harsher. There also appeared new rules as the boy was able to understand and comply. However at no time was punishment ever issued for honest mistakes. There would be correction, and that correction had better be heeded. If it wasn't, it would be handled as rebellion.

God does the same with us. Saul, and also David were advanced in their walk with God, and when they did the things they did the punishment was exceedingly tough. I think we've all gone through this to one degree or another. God is telling us that when He speaks, He expects obedience consistent with our ability to understand. Lord, increase our understanding!

Now one sad consequence of rebellion, is that it hardens our heart. First time we feel a knife. Second time a pinch, third a tingle, and the fourth nothing. In the end we've given place to the devil so much that he has a foothold or even stronghold in that area, and we've opened ourselves to deception on what is right and wrong. How else could people, including Christians, believe some of the things we do? We can be saved and deceived at the same time on the issues we've given satan place.

I don't want that. Since I've received this teaching I feel quite motivated to obey each command the best I know how to the full. How could we do anything else with God Very God? You know what I've found? Much of the time what God asks me to do isn't that hard. It's just a matter of my paying attention and seeing a task all the way through. Sometimes a little spiritual warfare may be involved too as the devil resists the pulling down of his strongholds in my life. Oh, that God's people would get a grip on these truths!

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2002

I should add that my focus in this post isn't salvation. Our overall condition of sin can only be covered by God's grace and Jesus' blood. Rather my focus is a call to the Christian community to break out its rut of casual "that's good enough" living. From little white lies to church squabbles over petty issues, the strength of the church is eaten away by rampant sloppiness in the average western Christian's walk. I see it every day.

Each of us needs to STRETCH towards God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This began for me when I first read the book "God Chasers" by Tommy Tenney. It brought home to me the fact that there is so much more to the Christian experience than most western Christians know. It shows in our lives, churches, and communities. What God desires for us is the Book of Acts lived out everyday, and a foundational step toward that is selling out to God (crucifying the flesh) every day. That is not a 99.9 percent endeavor.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2002


To tithe or not tithe is not a sin. How we give is an indicator of the level of our faith and love for the Master. Jesus said that our treasure is in the same place as our heart. If you love Him, you don't have trouble tithing.

Blessings Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2002

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