What have you seen others doing that's nice

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Okay, I read the topic Melissa started about what you've done nice. Some people said not to toot our own horn. So - What have you seen recently, that gave you hope for the people you know. What kindnesses have you seen.

This should satisfy those that don't want to toot thier own horn, but do want to contribute to an uplifting topic.

Party poopers can close this topic and go right on, we won't stop you or take your time.

I have to think of what I've seen recently.

Thanks, AngieM2

-- AngieM2 (ameininger@yahoo.com), February 28, 2002


My husband has rolled out of bed a few minutes early each morning this week, to go get the baby up, changer her diaper & then bring her to me. Okay, so it only gives me 3 more minutes of relaxation, but I think it's been wonderful of him!! ;)

-- heather (h.m.metheny@att.net), February 28, 2002.

Lindsey dried the dishes for Megan without her even asking last night!

About 5 of my tax customers, in the last week, paid me more than I charged them!

My kids all donated their own money to the American Heart Association.

Brady offered to do the dishes this morning on his own.

My dear Mother, bought us tickets to the Disney on Ice Show!

Cale has gotten up early and had roaring fires going before we all had to get up, every morning this winter!!!

I am really going to try to do more nice things, and look for the nice things that others do as well.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), February 28, 2002.

My husband helps me cook dinner often; I'm not crazy about cooking. I really appreciate this!

Two editors brought stories of mine this week!! (creative stories, not the freelance nonfiction stuff)

One editor was nice enough to take the time to give me feedback on a science fiction/fantasy writers workshop that I'm curious about.

he was also nice enough to give me really good feedback on an earlier story. Those of you who write may know that sometimes it's hard to get input at all!

Have a great day.

-- Cat (catcrazy@somewhere.com), February 28, 2002.

Went to a Christian school auction last Sat night, Lots of donated items. Most everything sold more than it was worth. During the Live auction,some people were buying things and turn them back in and the item was sold again. One item (quilt) was sold 4 times. They said, they raised more money this year. The dinner was good too. It was wonderful to see so many people caring about the school and the kids who go there.

-- Jo in Central Wa. (countryjo16@hotmail.com), February 28, 2002.

Well, here where we are, it is spring and I'm gardening all day now. Yesterday, I couldn't get my Mantis tiller to start. I always have trouble with it first part of the spring (cuz I'm small and not very strong) so my neighbor saw me struggling and I brought it over to him, we lifted it over the fence and he started it for me. Then, we shut it off and I was able to get it to start right up. That was so nice of him. By the way, this tiller is a blessing, it does everything they say it does, I just have such pitiful little upper body strength.

-- Katie (homesteader@accessnevada.com), February 28, 2002.

Well Katie--- I'm jealous you are able to garden already----- we are susupose to get more snow tonight----- I'm ready to get the tiller out & get serious!!! I'm ready for Spring & digging in the dirt!!!! Glad your neighbor could help you---- just wanted to say--how much I'm looking forward to doing what you are doing----digging in the dirt!! Sonda in Ks.

-- Sonda in Ks. (sgbruce@birch.net), February 28, 2002.

Our 11 year old son has a friend named Kyle.Kyle does not have a good home life he never has enough of anything,well he made $10.00 some how and donated half of it to help homeless people.Also he had never been to a mall so my kids took him to one last weekend,now you proably think yuck but he had a ball and now he isnt the only 12 yearold at school that hasnt been to the mall.My kids were as blessed as he was.

-- willa in IL. (goodall6@hotmail.com), February 28, 2002.

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