Does anyone out there live in Kooskia Idaho? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

For job reasons we are thinking about moving to Lewiston area of Idaho. Looking at land in the area of Kooskia. Anyone know the area or lived there I would love to know how difficult gardening is (i.e. length of growing season, how hot, etc.), how much snow, community, etc. Thanks,


-- Sara Perry (, February 25, 2002


Hey I'm interested in Idaho Falls area.

-- Dave in Ohio (, February 25, 2002.

Sara, any good gardening book that has the different "Zones" in it will give you an idea of what and when you can plant. My Western Garden Book by Sunset Magazine shows Lewiston as Planting Zone 3. It shows average lows as 10 to 15 degrees F. Also, make a phone call to the County Extension Service that services Kooskia. And, maybe that town might even have a web page or at least the County it is in? Their Chamber of Commerce might have some cool info for you too. Before we moved to this little town in Oregon we sent off to these places, and they sent bunches of material and put us in touch with the Master Gardeners Club there. It was great! LOL Good Luck, LQ

-- Little Quacker (, February 25, 2002.

Sara, I live 10 miles east of Lewiston. This is really a pretty nice area. Your questions about growing season, how hot, and how much snow are a little hard to answer. The town of Kooskia is located at the confluence of the South Fork and Middle Fork of the Clearwater River. The elevation at Kooskia is 1265 feet. The growing season is long, winters fairly mild, and some snow, but usually not a lot of accumulation. (It usually melts off between snowstorms). However, this is an area of steep canyons and mountains. A short drive from Kooskia could easily get you to an elevation of 4500+ feet. The higher elevation growing season is much shorter, weather more severe, and serious amounts of snow accumulation possible. Community is certainly rural. Agriculture, logging, and tourism are the mainstays of the economy in North Central Idaho. I don't know the population of Kooskia offhand, but would guess it to be somewhere around 600. It is in Idaho county, the county seat is in Grangeville. If I can answer any more questions, let me know. You are welcome to e-mail me off forum if you wish. Good Luck! Marv

-- Marv (, February 27, 2002.

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