Afterbirth-almost 20 hours now : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Pygmy goat that miscarried/had stillbirth yesterday. Noted not eating in am, came home from church to find her laying down w/ 2 dead kids. One kid's nose malformed. Had just noted her starting to bag up and anticipated birth mid March. Afterbirth still hanging. Appetite down but eating some, and walking around little. Have her isolated from others. No molasses on hand. Gave her warm water and karo syrup yesterday, just warm water plain today. Drinking a little, but not as much as normal following births. Thanks for any advice.

-- Fabienne (, February 25, 2002


Start her on penicillin. Any 300,000 unit pen is dosed at 3cc per 50 pounds, give the shots under the skin and twice a day. With the placenta hanging through the cervics it is not to late to go to the vet and get some oxytocin, not a clue on dosage for a pygmy. You can also tie some wieght to it, and also tie it up off the ground, massaging her uterous in front of the udder, standing behind her bear hug her and pull up, also milking her and massaging the udder will send down her own natural oxytocin. True retained placenta, where the placenta does not detach enough to even come through the cervics is a medical emergency in goats. The type of retained placenta you have is not an emergency, a stinking mess that will stink more than you think possible, but using antibiotics, it will rot off and not cause any problems at all. Do not pull on it, and don't go in and try to dislodge it! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, February 25, 2002.

Same as above but I would check for another dead kid inside her first - there may be another one stuck! Not that uncommon for any premature birth to be followed by retained membranes. You will need to do the penicillin treatment and oxytocin (but be sure there is not a stuck kid there first). Keep a close eye on her.

-- Cowvet (, February 25, 2002.

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