Monday Morning : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Hi everyone! It is a BEAUTIFUL morning here in SE Ohio. I have several loads of laundry on the line and just finished mixing up some dinner rolls. I am playing with the oatmeal dinner roll recipe. My friend says she uses 2 1/3 cups of water as listed, but to me it seemed dry and someone else commented it was also. She uses quick oats and white flour, and I used whole oats and wheat flour, so I am wondering if the whole oats and wheat soak up more water??!! Many of you probably know the answer but I am not an expereinced bread baker, as I have used a bread machine instead of doing it by hand.

Took a walk this morning and it is beautiful out, but I hear that colder air is moving in.

Later I have to clean out my van, it needs swept and wiped out. I have lots of floor mats, but it is muddy.

We had so much company this weekend! I think I showed the house to 5 different groups of people. Everyone always comments on how clean it is, but I just laugh and say wait until you see my laundry room! Then when they see it, they laugh too... It is not good to be too perfect and I figure the laundry situation is God's way of humbling me!!!!! So when you open the door, you see laundry hanging to dry, laundry to be hung, laundry to be folded, muddy shoes and boots, eggs to be put in cartons, buckets, brooms, mud on the rugs, mud on the floor, jars to be put away, DID I MENTION THE MUD????? Oh well, today I am gong to wash all 100 loads of laundry, hang it on the line outside and maybe be caught up!!! (not really 100 loads, but it seems like it sometimes...)

Well I'd better get busy, I need to clean the house, and clean stalls. The kids had company this weekend they didn't get a chance to do their normal barn chores.

I hope everyone has a great day.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, February 25, 2002


Melissa, I can"t believe your going to do all that is one day, Down here in texas, really pretty day, But hear we are in for a freeze tue. and wed. Thats bad, cause everything is all in bloom. Took a long walk with my niegbor, Which we do every morning. A good mile, talk over all the things going on in the world, and here at home. Today will try and finish a oil painting I am working on, I taught oil painting for several years, and have judge lots of shows. Then I need to make up a pot of soup for dinner, Do some laundry, Since its monday, I am tired after the weekend, Had 8 for Sunday dinner, Quess I am just getting old, takes a couple of days to recoup.

-- Irene texas (, February 25, 2002.

It's beautiful here today in southeastern Indiana. I took a walk for my workout this morning and gathered some moss for a project. I've been our raking and building my compost pile. Don't have a proper clothesline up yet, just a line strung, but hung towels and sheets out. Got 3 loads of laundry done the rest is hung in the living room. Stripped the beds. I'm gonna make a couple new recipes for supper. A new chicken and noodle soup recipe and some kind of bean bread. Gary's taking his lunch now, and he likes soup. I've tried at least 10 other new recipes during the last 3 weeks my goal is 20 in 6 weeks. Maybe more. Need to get some hay to mulch the garlic with too, and work on moving a mountain of dirt from building the addition.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, February 25, 2002.

The day was overcast and cool this morning. I wanted to sleep late, but after I awoke at 7 a.m., the tiredness fled. The boys and I returned home late last night and I stayed up phoning and waiting for the phone to ring.

Last Saturday Vicki's grandmother died, after months with cancer, so we put her and Leila on the plane last night. They will be gone for two weeks, so the boys and I will be batching it. They didn't know that word when I asked them if they were ready to do it, but responded affirmatively, since the context gave away the idea.

So, though the day is cooler, the mind is still whirling after a busy weekend and after tasting last night what the next two weeks will hold.

-- Randal in Brazil (, February 25, 2002.

Sorry to hear about Vicki's grandmother, please offer my condolences. And you guys clean the house once in a while, while she is gone!!!

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, February 25, 2002.

Hi,it is snowing and sleeting in central IL. today we are to get 1-3 inches of accumulation.The weekend weather was nice we were outside all afternoon yesterday.,what a difference 24hours can bring!I copied the oatmeal dinner rolls recipe might try it for supper tonight.You all have a nice day.

-- willa in IL. (, February 25, 2002.

Yesterday was up near 75 around here, today it is around 40!! NO FAIR!

The transmission on Lance's truck is shot, we had to take it in just now to be reworked. All of a sudden, no reverse! We were thinking of selling it in favor of a heavier pickup, but if we're going to put a new transmission in it, I imagine we will just keep it. I offered to sell the suburban, take my the pickup and get him a newer, heavier one, but I don't think he's going to take me up on it.

I'm in a funk - thawing hamburger meat for supper, just don't know what I'm going to do with it yet! Maybe Hobo dinners, I haven't had them in a long time, and it would be easy!

I'd better get going, I have lots of housework and laundry still waiting on me, and it's 3:30 already!

-- Christine in OK (, February 25, 2002.

Christine Whats a hobo dinner? sounds like something a bachlor could fix. tia Bob se.ks.

-- Bobco (, February 25, 2002.

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