Does any one know any thing about the scrapy program on goats and : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Where does a person get the ear tags for this ,some one was telling me after Feb.You would not be able to sale these animals with out the tags in thier earat the sale's or to any one.That you have to keep papers for 5 years,any one know how to get the tags.
-- Pastor Hughes (, February 24, 2002
Call your state department of agriculture, they can tell you how. Hope this helps.
-- Bernice (, February 24, 2002.
The complete directions are in the archives. Call this number 866- 873-2824 (USDA-TAG) It takes you to your vet services office in your state, you answer some questions, they tell you your premise ID number right them, and send the tags, it is only taking about 10 days here in Texas now, though I waited 6 weeks, several months ago. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, February 24, 2002.
Vicky, are tags required for sales within the state?
-- paul (, February 25, 2002.
Each state has their own rules. If you buy a goat from me it will come with either registration papers, which will have her tattoo numbers on it that match what is in their ears or tail. If she is sold unregistered than she will have a bill of sale with my premise ID number on it which will match the tag in her ear. This is Texas. If you are from another state, than my vet calls the haul number, finds out what your state needs and what the states you are traveling through needs, and for me to get a health certificate, I bring in a tag which shows my premise ID number and the goat and her papework. A health certificate is made with this information and any testing your state needs, which is good for 30 days. Since we usually fly the goats or use a hauler, we are very careful to comply with all the rules, can you even imagine a hauler with 30 goats in it being stopped at a border because of bad paperwork? The animals could be confiscated, and just who would pay for that? Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, February 25, 2002.
This is from my sheep List:
Click Here and click the link to 'What You as a Producer Need to Know About the New Scrapie Eradication Program pdf file.'
It is a very good publication that lists the eight steps we need to take to register our flock, get eartags, and keep records. It provides some sample record forms, too.
About eartags. They will send you, free of charge, as many tags as you can use in three years, and they will give you the applicator, too. I received the tags, and even though they are "sheep" tags, I personally think they are too big for blackbelly lamb ears. Shortly after, I received the publication I cited above in the mail, wherein it describes smaller metal clip-style tags that they also will provide for free.
However, when I spoke to my state vet (whose office also happens to be the one you reach at the toll-free number you call to get tags) about getting these tags, I was told that Colorado only provides the plastic tags free. Each state, apparently, has set its own criteria for tagging. I can purchase the metal tags from Nasco (they are $22.00 for 100 tags that contain my flock number as well as the sheep's ID number). That's what I'm going to do, but decide for yourself.
Disclaimer: If you NEVER plan to sell a sheep to someone in another state or you NEVER plan to purchase a sheep from someone in another state, then you don't need to worry about the scrapie program--at least not yet. If there is even a remote chance that someone from out-of-state will purchase your sheep, then you had better get yourself registered, get the free tags, and start keeping records. I may not like it, but it's the law now and I don't want to lose any potential customers because I didn't make a simple phone call and get signed up.
-- ~Rogo (, February 25, 2002.
Found this link on scrapie, its different from the above link, while cleaning out my folders. hope this helps.
-- Bernice (, February 25, 2002.
A couple more Nevers to Rogo's great post and link. You don't have to comply if you are NEVER going to sell to someone else in the program, NEVER going to show, NEVER going to export and NEVER going to run your animals through an auction for sales. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, February 25, 2002.
I don't care for tagging in goats to begin with [too many opportunities to tear]but what are we supposed to do with lamanchas???
-- Kacy (, March 04, 2002.
For LaMancha's, the same thing you do for registered animals, tattoo their tail.
-- diane (, March 04, 2002.