Exporting back to Digi Camgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi,I purhcased a PAL DV in/out camcorder. I also got the IntroDV Studio software and Firewire 1396 card along with it. Using this, I could capture the movie on my PC and edit it. However, when I export the edited movie back to my cam using this software, its speed gets increased on the cam (maybe some frame rate problem ??), while it runs fine on my PC. Any ideas why this is so or how can it be resolved. I tried using Windows Movie Maker, but there is no way by which I can export my edited movie back to my cam for storage. I tried using Adobe Premier 5.0 but it says it does not detect my camcorder for recording. Please if anybody has any ideas, let me know soon. I am having a tough time with my prized recordings. Thanks.
-- Amit (amit_mash@indya.com), February 23, 2002
have you checked for a driver update from IntroDV studio website?~m
-- ~m (mtekayo@yahoo.com), May 23, 2002.