Need ideas of ways to get a New SDWT into Breakthrough thinking : LUSENET : work teams : One Thread


We have been in SDWT transition for the last 2 years. Recently we converted out production groups to teams. These are traditional, machanical-task minded folks. Most of them have been doing the same job for over 10 years. It is a cross functional team. These people have never had to consider new ways of doing their jobs and I need some "magic" tool to get them to hit a breakthrough in how they can do their jobs differently. I have tried leggos games, brainstorming etc. They seriously want to make changes, and willing to have others tell them how to change what they do. It would be much better if they find some creative ways themselves-much more empowering.

Any ideas on processes I might use to get them to find a breakthrough?


Shirley Stovall Wes-Tex Printing Brownwood TX

-- Shirley Stovall (, February 19, 2002



>>I need some "magic" tool to get them to hit a breakthrough in how they can do their jobs differently. I have tried leggos games, brainstorming etc. They seriously want to make changes, and willing to have others tell them how to change what they do. <<

Sounds like you have tried the "inspirational" examples -- it seems that these folks could now use some more directed guidance. You indicate they are open to changes, it is possible -- they need more assistance on "steps to change". For example what process improvement analysis have they done of thier own work? What are they measuring that could provide indicators of opportunities for improvement? What opportunities do they have to actually work on improvements? Seems like the group is "ready to go" they just need some resources (tools, facilitation, feedback)

Billy Bennett

-- Billy Bennett (, March 05, 2002.

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