Smoky smell in books : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I bought two great readers' digest books at a flea market that I'd like to sell on EBAY. One is the sewing digest and the other is the Complete Do -it-yourself manual. Both are in great shape...

Except they smell really smokey (the owner was a chain smoker).

Is there anything I can do to remove the smell before I sell (nice rhyme:)

-- Ann Markson (, February 19, 2002


Outside air is the best, but it might take a few sunny days. Also I have heard to put them in a box, or sealed container with a few lumps of charcoal.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, February 19, 2002.

I've also heard that you can seal them in a plastic bag with some kitty litter for a week or so. Or put in a small plastic container (no lid) then put that container into a larger plastic container which is partially filled with something like kitty litter, charcoal briquettes or baking soda (use a lid on the larger container). If I were going to try that I think I would lay the book on it's back and put something in between every few pages so as many pages as possible were exposed to the air. Also you might try putting it in a sealed bag with some dryer softener sheets.

-- Lenette (, February 19, 2002.

A light spray of Febreze, from rather high, so that the mist falls. repeted as needed. This worked on my leather jacket too.

-- Thumper/inOKC (, February 19, 2002.

Wow! Thanks! Great ideas all!

-- Ann Markson (, February 19, 2002.

Ann if you have an air purifier especially one with a negative ioner-- -open the books & place close to the air purifier & it will remove all the smoke smells---we use to sell air purifiers & rent out our services for removeing odors---many times it was a home that had smoke damage---we used commerical air purifiers with negative ioners & it removed the odors rather than masking the smell! Best wishes!!

-- Sonda in Ks. (, February 19, 2002.

Ann, I can't remember on which site I read this, but I have to use it myself on some Tom Swift and Hardy Boys novels that I plan to put on eBay.... If you put newspaper between the pages every so often (not evwery page, just here and there) then microwave the book for a minute or so, it's supposed to draw the odor in to the newspaper- strange, I know but if I remember correctly I got this tip from a used/OP book seller. Good Luck : )

-- Kristin, in La. (, February 19, 2002.

Ann, I got some blank newspaper-the end rolls that the press discards, and I tear it off into pieces and put it in between the pages-that helps. I also use the plastic bag and baking soda treatment on severe cases-my favorite is Arm and Hammer soda for pets- its called pet smart or something, its basically scented baking soda. Fresh air will take the smell out of lots of things though you must make sure it dosn't suddenly rain on your books!

-- Kelly (KY) (, February 19, 2002.

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