Heloise had a way to clean artificial flowers, does any one remember how?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I love some of the new articial flowers, But they get dusty, and I read a few years back a simple way to clean them, But forgot!Any one know how.

-- Irene texas (tkorsborn@cs.com), February 18, 2002


I'd take them outside and use a hair dryer on COOL on them to blow the dust away!

-- Ardie/WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), February 18, 2002.

Make up a bucket of dishsoap/water, turn them upside down in the water swirl them around then if you can spray them off. Spray/shower is easiest and more efficient. I've done them this way many times and when I worked at a flower shop/greenhouse that's how they said to do them. Plastic and silk.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (atilrthehony@hotmail.com), February 18, 2002.

I have just washed them under running water, and they do OK.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), February 18, 2002.

I read somewhere (may even have been Heloise) to put the flowers in a large paper grocery bag with about 1 cup of salt, close the bag and shake vigorously. Remove the flowers and shake off any salt that is stuck, and voila'! You are supposed to have clean flowers. Now, take this one with a "grain of salt", as it were, I haven't tried it, but have always used the "swish in the sink" method on mine!

-- Christine in OK (cljford@mmcable.com), February 18, 2002.

I've used the salt in the bag trick and I do like the instant results.

-- Laura (Ladybugwrangler@hotmail.com), February 18, 2002.

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