Heres looking at yu' kid! : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

In that it is very unlikely that we will ever meet face to face, I am suggesting we describe ourselves via likenesses of tv. charcters. This will work best if we use well known prime time charcters from the past. I am like:

Personality, Sargent Dietrick from Barney Miller.

Appearance, A cross of Grizzly Adams and Kojack.

Outlook on life, Remember Higgins on Magnum,PI.?

How I think others see me, A crossof Mr. Rodgers and Lurch from the Addams Family!

Until Melissa send us round trip tickets and holds our first convention this is about the best I can do.

-- mitch hearn (, February 18, 2002


Hello Folks,

This sounds like fun!

Appearance: NWO wrestler---Stone Cold Steve Austin

Personality: Cross between Bob Newhart and Billy Jack

Outlook on Life: Henry David Thoreau

How I think others see me: Bad To the Bone!

Sincerely, Ernest

-- (, February 18, 2002.

Too funny! I can't even think of anyone. Probably a combination of Caroline Ingalls (but heavier!!!) and the mother on the Waltons!!! That is in actions, not really in looks. But I do have blondish/brown hair and blue eyes, nice teeth, clear complexion, just need to lose weight!!!!

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, February 18, 2002.

What if I view myself as whatever her name is, the star of Providence and my kids see me as Aunt Bea on the Andy Griffith Show?

-- Rosalie (Dee) in IN (, February 18, 2002.

Personality -- Caroline Ingalls' persona with Maude's attitude.

Appearance -- I've been told I resemble (in my *lighter* ;P years) Sigourney Weaver.

Outlook on life -- More Rosie O'Donnell than Oprah. More MaryAnn than Ginger.

How others see me -- Do I have to like it? My friends call me "Martha" -- and they don't even bother to do it behind my back. I like to think I'm a bit more realistic than Madame Plastic -- but hey, as a nickname it seems to have stuck.

-- Tracy (, February 19, 2002.

Tracy that is so funny! My husband has called me "Martha" for years, I used to tell him not to call me that in such an exasperated way that one of my kids thought it was a cuss word!!!!!

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, February 19, 2002.

Melissa, to some of us, it is a cuss word! I have a personal beef against people who think a bit of gold spray paint and a few organic pears solve all the worlds problems. If it weren't so sad it would be funny!

-- Tracy (, February 22, 2002.

Apperance= Alan P. Keaton "Family Ties."

Personality= The oldest boy on "Growing Pains."

Outlook on life= Richie Cunningham "Happy Days"

How others see me= a mixture of all the above

-- george nh (, February 23, 2002.

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