Hi Everyone!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

We are all fine here, a little embarassed at the fuss, but fine. Thanks to Mitch for checking up on me... I have been so busy and am actually on my way out the door right now. I will catch you all up later, on my few days off and on some new ideas, thoughts, and revelations!!! Take care all!

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), February 16, 2002


Ok, now I have a little time! I guess I last posted on Tuesday evening, so there is a lot to talk about. Tuesday was not one of the greatest days on here! I get so mad at myself, one of my biggest faults is that I have a tendency to get over-involved with any kind of project I take on, and that includes this forum!

So Tuesday evening I started doing some thinking, and realized that I was starting to spend a little too much of my time, and energy on the computer and not in my home and with my family. Which should be my first priority. I am a little ashamed of myself for that. So I ran the forum rules to the top of the page and shut my computer off. When I get upset, I usually start cleaning!!! Which I have done... Cleaned everything in sight since Tuesday. Kid's rooms, cabinets, you name it, it is clean.

Not having the computer on, reminded me of the time before I had one, and it was kind of slow and peaceful. I read a lot too and really talked with my kids a lot, and spent a lot of time really with them, instead of reading and typing and talking at the same time. As I have said I am a little mad at myself for allowing this to happen. I must say that Cathy said something like, 99% of us will never meet each other, and that really clicked with me, and Lesley said that we shouldn't take these things personally and I do! So that is something I have been thinking about a lot.

Well I had full intentions of checking in on Saturday evening to post the prayer requests, and then Mitch called which was a little suprising. I didn't think anyone would think anything was wrong if I wasn't on for a few days, and I apologize for that.

Ok what else. Wednesday was pre-school Valentines Party. I love those little kids!!! They brighten my day. Wednesday afternoon, I went grocery shopping. Thursday, Cale was off work, I was in charge of LIndsay's party at school. That was a lot of fun too. Since the kids were off on Friday, we took a trip North to Amish Country, did a good bit of bulk food shopping, driving around, went to a Horse Auction, and were glad to get home last night after putting on about 400 miles.

Noticed that so many of the Amish up North have solar panels on the house. I was talking to one of the Amish women, and she said she uses it for her juicer,mixer and some lights. I think they are a little more advanced than my Amish friends! I will have to ask Millie about it.

Then the kids stayed at a friends house, and we visited until late, looking at their cruise pictures. Then today we did a bunch of work, cleaning barns and such, and Cale is working on clearing pasture. Tonight the kids are at my Mom's and we (Cale and I are hanging out here!) Actually I am just about ready for bed myself. Kids are off Monday too, so I will be busy with them (eye-doctor appts.)

So really just the normal day to day living here! Thanks to all for the e-mails and concern here on the forum. Sorry to cause undue concern. I did need the few days to re-charge so to speak! So I look forward to a lot of great topics (but probably not until Tuesday!) I was so happy when I came back on, and read all of the great topics posted, and I only had to delete one post! Pretty good I'd say. So it is nice to catch up with you all.

Has anyone heard from Micheale? I know they had a lot of damage and she is probably so busy she doesn't have time to breathe, with all the clean up work. So I am hoping she is OK, and her son too.

Good night to everyone.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), February 16, 2002.

Melissa, it's so great to have you back and know that nobody's sick or anything. Some of the rest of us take time off the computer, too, but you are noticed more since you seem to post nearly every day. Maybe from now on we'll realize that and not worry so much:o) Hope you don't feel like you have to answer all those e-mails personally; we're just glad to know you're okay.

-- Cathy N. (homekeeper86@sympatico.ca), February 17, 2002.

I'm also glad to see you're okay - that worrywart thing again, I was just hoping no one was hurt!

-- Christine in OK (cljford@mmcable.com), February 17, 2002.

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