Large American Persimmon seed, will trade for seeds of vegetables or fruits. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I discovered an American persimmon tree on my property with huge persimmons. This fall I plan to collect the seed to trade. Would anyone like to trade these persimmon seed for seeds of vegetables and or fruits?

-- Lawrence Wybrant (, February 15, 2002


hello my brother, i'll trade you some raspberries? why don't you plant the seeds and trade the trees?

-- randy in missouri (, February 16, 2002.

Lawrence, where are you? I was just wondering if the tree might be adapted to my area also, as I was wanting a persimmon. Also, will persimmons grow from seed true to the parent? I have been told that pecans and apples won't.

As for what to trade, I will have to think on that one. I'm just getting started myself and am not sure what I have collected that you might not have already!

-- Christine in OK (, February 16, 2002.

Would like very much to have a few seeds. Would you like to have some rare jamaican cucumber seeds. They are very prolific and make wonderful pickles. Also great in salads and anything else.

-- Barbara Saulters (, February 16, 2002.

I would be interested in trading. Where are you located (zone) and do they self pollinate? I could trade you some fig tree cuttings or some hot pepper seeds. Take your pick. - Sheryl

-- Sheryl in NJ (, February 17, 2002.

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