Cleaning bee hive frames : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have quite a few supers that have frames that need to be cleaned before reusing. They don't have any foundation in them. Some people have said to dip them in boiling water with lye in it. If this is the way to do it how much lye to water? Also is it OK to use a galvanized pail to boil in? If this isn't a good way to do it than what is?

-- Emil in TN (, February 14, 2002


"clean them"?? what do you want to do,, sterilize them? Bleach water is a good way,, You shouldnt need to do that unless they are used frames from someone else,, or you had a dieses problem. If your just cleaning to get them ready to use,, just scrape the propolis off adm such,, to make it easier to add foundation

-- Stan (, February 15, 2002.

Emil, If ther're from your own hives you shouldn't need to use a lye water bath. Just clean (scrape) and add new foundation. I just lye water bathed a large amount of frames I picked up at an auction. Lye is used if you're unsure of diseases. All the best Bill S.E. Mich

-- Bill Jaddatz (, February 15, 2002.

These are used frames I was given by someone. I have no info on them except they haven't been used in years. How much lye in the water?

-- Emil in TN (, February 15, 2002.

The bee inspector in my state (who is also a highly respected beekeeper) recommended flaming any used equipment since it will clean up the wax and kill any disease in the wood. Be careful not to torch too much! I used a propane torch to flame some used equipment I got when I first started beekeeping. It worked quite well. The equipment was cleaned and I have seen no sign of any disease in the 4 years I've used it. The equipment I purchased (supers and a queen excluder) had not been used in about 20 years, but the bee inspector said that some diseases can live that long in the wood. Isn't that a depressing thought?!

-- Sheryl in ME (, February 15, 2002.

putting bee equipment in boiling lye water is remedy for foul brood. the spores will go dormant. mites & africanized bees are a bigger problem than foulbrood. i suggest you work hands on with an experenced bee keeper & read a good book on bees, management, etc. you can buy a wire tool or make one to clean the wax & propolus out of the grooves in the frames. have fun, larry

-- larry in OK (, February 15, 2002.

If you got those frames and or supers from some one else then just burn them they ain't worth your truoble. Iv'e been making my living from honey bees for forty five years and we only bothered mit cleaning old frames to make work in the winter when I was a teen ager serving my apprenticeship. If you cook them then you have too neuturlize the lye and the water will make all the nails loose. If your going to do all that work use new and have stuff that will last.

-- Butch Hauri (, February 15, 2002.

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