Wholesale Scrapbooking Supplies

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

Has any one sold scrapbooking supplies successfully at craft fairs/flea markets/ebay? Where can you buy your supplies wholesale? Most I have found you have to have a physical "shop".

-- Lilly (lilly@hommt.com), February 14, 2002


In our area----to sell whole sale anything we can not legally sell to any one who doesn't have a tax number & sales tax number---if they don't have those two things we can't sell whole sale to them---no matter what the product! Don't know about your area!

-- Sonda in Ks. (sgbruce@birch.net), February 17, 2002.

Does anyone know of any wholesale sources for scrapbook supplies? I do have a tax number and business.

-- Patti (patti@cfl.rr.com), April 03, 2002.

There is a company that sells a scrapbook business kit that includes wholesale information. I believe they will have it on CD soon with over 300 wholesale sources. They also sell retail listings with over 1,300 of them. The website is: http://www.howtoscrap.com

-- Jeri McDonald (trendink@yahoo.com), October 21, 2002.

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