Wanted: quilt block pattern with appliqued rooster

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

I want to make some cushions, and I'd like to put a quilted rooster on them. I am looking for something with easy lines to applique, and something that will be quite colourful. I want to use up some silk. (disassembled blouses that I've been saving). Any suggestions where to look?

-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (bernadette_kerr@hotmail.com), February 12, 2002


I had just recently checked out a book by Georgia Bonesteel on lap quilting and she had a fairly simple rooster applique in that. I'm sorry I don't remember the specific title, but it had "lap quilting" in it. Hope that helps.

-- Dena (ddew1962@earthlink.net), February 13, 2002.

If you go to Ebay and type in "rooster pattern" in your search, I saw one there this morning. It was a rooster and barn quilt block pattern, and the rooster was pretty simple, kind of a stained glass look. I think the price for both patterns was only about $7, or you might even be able to fashion your own from the picture. Good luck!

-- Christine in OK (cljford@mmcable.com), February 13, 2002.

Look through basic children's coloring books. You know, beginner ones that have farm animals. You might have to enlarge one though. I remember using that technigue for cute patches on my sons pants at the knees.

-- Ardie/WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), February 13, 2002.

Try this link.


-- Pat (hiddentreasuresfarm@hotmail.com), February 13, 2002.

Try your local library, and check out a copy of the April, 2001 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting magazine. They had a rooster quilt on the cover, probably would work for what you need. Jan

-- Jan in Co (Janice12@aol.com), February 14, 2002.

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