chick peas (same as blackeyed peas?) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My countrycide came yesterday, Excellent as usual. There is an article on CHICK PEAS . Are chickpeas the same as blackeye peas ?

-- George Wilson (, February 12, 2002


Response to chick peas

No, chick peas are garbanzo beans. They are larger than blackeye peas and taste different too.

-- Carmen Black (, February 12, 2002.

chick peas are good in the summer as a salad, add olive oil and vinegar and some raw cut up veggies like onion, olives, green peppers and some pepper. they are used to make hummus as well, ground up with tahini (sesame) butter and lemon juice. eat with corn chips. yum

-- js (, February 13, 2002.

Chick peas, Garbanzo beans & sometimes they are called CiCi Beans

-- hmm (, February 13, 2002.

The alternate name for Blk eyed peas is cow pea. If everything was called what it's called we wouldn't get so confused!! LOL

-- Wendy A (, February 13, 2002.

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