Bread pans-where to buy/order? : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

I read today that "many bakers produce flat, disappointing loaves of bread simply because they're using a pan that's too big." According to this article, a recipe using about 3 cups of flour should be baked in an 8 1/2 x 4 1/2-inch loaf pan, NOT the 9 x 5-inch loaf pan many home bakers have. Save that 9 x 5-inch pan for quick breads or (yeast loaves using at least 3 1/2 cups flour/loaf.) My question is: where can I find this size bread pans without spending a fortune? Thanks for any help, Maggie

-- Maggie (, February 12, 2002


Don't bother to spend a fortune, use the 9"x5" pans. A little extra sideboards won't hurt a thing. Just be sure and notice height of dough in pan and wait for dough to rise to almost double. That does not mean rise to top of pan.


You could increase amount of recipe to a 3 1/2 cup flour amount.

You can spend a fortune trying to purchase size pans "everyone" thinks is the best for various recipes.

I use the 9"x5" for a 3 1/2 lb. amount dough and divide into two loaves. Works great, just determine when dough has almost reached double.

-- Marie (, February 12, 2002.

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