CD/T shots (Goats - Health/Treatment) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Okay, if you give CD/T twenty-one days before they are due to kid (so the kids have protection) what do you do if you don't know exactly when they will kid? In this case, when the buck ran with the does. I don't think they are ready this month, they don't seem as large as they were last year. Also, I think the buck was still settling in when they were ready but....

-- Dee (, February 11, 2002


Response to CD/T shots

I raise sheep, but have had the same situation. If the CD&T shots for the dam have been too far in the past to cover the babies, I give my lambs 2cc, sub cu. just before they are turned in with the flock. This is around 3 days old. With lambs I am extra careful because we are fattening for market, as well as docking tails. These practices make them more susceptible to both enterotxemia and tetanus. I also keep a vial or two of tetanus antitoxin in the fridge. I wish you a happy, healthy herd!

-- Lisa (, February 11, 2002.

Response to CD/T shots

I guage it by the udder. When it is filling, not just maturing, then we give the shot. I try to keep really good acurate dates on breeding, but we always have a few opps in there. Cookie is not uddering up so she will not get her shots when the others do next weekend. Like the previous poster I will keep tetanus antitoxin and all C&D antitoxin on hand for those who I miss calculate. Say Cookie kids along with everyone else, just doesn't udder up this year, I would give the antitoxin shots at 1 week when we disbud. Otherwise the kids are just put on normal vaccinations with CD&T at 3, 6 and 12 weeks. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, February 12, 2002.

Good idea. Thanks.

-- Dee (, February 12, 2002.

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