Pentax Spotmeter V Battery : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
A quick question - I ought to be able to find the answer easily but have so far been frustrated. What battery should I replace the G13 batteries in a Spotmeter V with ?Thanks
-- David Tolcher (, February 10, 2002
Funny you should ask...I just got a used Pentax V a few days ago. Mine has three "A76" batteries in a stack. They are working fine.Also, see my post from yesterday about same meter; a nice link to a free copy of the user manual.
-- Douglas Gould (, February 10, 2002.
I recently purchased one of these too. I replaced the battery with one suggested by my local camera store, I think a duracell, # 640A. The meter seems to be working fine. I also think that I will need to clean the "L' switch with some contact cleaner as it seems a tiny bit erratic when this button is barely touched, suggesting dirty contacts. Tim
-- Timothy O McDonald (, March 18, 2002.