Paper organization success-thanks! : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Ok-two weeks ago I asked for paper oranization tips, then I cleaned out my desk. Two weeks later, its still organized, and my husband was so pleased when I could tell him yes we have buisness envelopes in the top right hand pigeonhole, stamps are in the blue box on the first shelf, ink refills are in lower right pigeonhole, next to the wite-out, the reciept for the car repair is in the red folder and the number of the beer supply company is written in my notebook look under "August" because thats when you ordered the catalog.I can find when we last filled the propane tank and how much it cost. I can find out what the cafeteria is serving for lunch next tuesday-Ahh its wonderful. Many many thanks to all who offered tips and sugestions.

-- Kelly (KY) (, February 09, 2002


Not really an answer but couldn't find the tips they passed on to you so can you tell me where and share them I'm in desparte need of being organized also. Thanks in advance Jacque

-- Jacque (, February 09, 2002.

Jacque-I believe they are in the archives, under "housekeeping" sub- heading-Paper organizing tips.

-- Kelly (KY) (, February 10, 2002.

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