Eversheds/Yorkshire Building Society

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

I am now 4 years down the line of dealing with Eversheds. I am not in a position to repay a full and final settlement. I am however paying £50.00 per month (no final completion payment date, just ongoing). I have completed an expenditure and income form. They are now requesting justification of expenditure, do I have to give them this information by law. They also want the repayments increasing!

I have had a breakdown of their charges when the house was repossessed, but I have not contacted Yorkshire Building Society regarding this, should I contact them also to confirm what Eversheds are telling me. Also I have had no receipts or invoices detailing charges that Eversheds have stated have been incurred. Should I request these?

I could really do with some help, have visited local CAB and find that most advice they have given me is contradicted on this site. Can somebody please offer some support and guidance.


-- Kim Rolls (Hippikimbo@aol.com), February 09, 2002


You don't mention whether or not YBS has obtained a money judgement against you. If not, then you are not legally obliged to provide them with justificiation of your expenditure.

Although you've got a breakdown of the charges when the house was repo'd, you should go further than this and ask for justification of their charges. One area where the charges seem to be excessive is with estate agents fees. Read through this website for samples of the letters which some have written, then write yourself and ask for the documentation you need.

-- pendle (pendle_666@yahoo.co.uk), February 09, 2002.


On this site go to Repossession - Do's & Don'ts - and read. This will give you a clearer idea of how to go about things. Don't be afraid of these people as they are only human beings and not very nice ones at that. You are not on your own now as there are many helpful individuals who will give you hints and info. Start reading !! Good luck.

-- Joy Harker (fightingback@harker.go-plus.net), February 09, 2002.

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