Coldlight Taucoli for Laborator : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I recently bought a used Durst Laborator 1000 including the coldlight head "Taucoli". Unfortunately the bulb for the coldlight is missing. Does anybody know what kind of bulb has to go inside the Taucoli? What is the size and exact shape of the bulb and how is it connected to the cabel inside the head? Where can I find a reasonably priced bulb? Thanks for your kind help. Inga
-- Irmgard Stroedel (, February 09, 2002
Try ARISTO, 35 Lumber Road, Roslyn, NY 11576, USA Tel: 001 516 484 6141 and see if they can make their V54 tube fit your Durst Taucoli which is very old and has not been made for a long time I belive. You can print on VC papers with the V54 but the Durst tube was verry blue and thus for graded papers only.
-- Gudmundur Ingólfsson (, February 09, 2002.