So where is the rest of our crew? : LUSENET : Political and Social Issues: Conversations and Debates : One Thread

What happened to everybody? We finally get a troll-free zone to chat, and then everybody leaves.

What happened to Tamara, Nexar, Killer Krud (aka Krunch Kobra), Julie, Hollier Than Thou, et al.?

Did we loose a couple of people? Just curious.

-- Okie Dan (, February 09, 2002


Well, I'M back...i dunno where everyone else is....

-- Davey Rootbeer (, February 09, 2002.

I'm here. Just being quiet.

-- julie (, February 10, 2002.

Tamara's at Anarchy. KillerCrud no longer posts on Greenspun or Zirah. And Davey package to me must have been stopped by the FFASS seeing as how it has yet to arrive. Hmmm, Dave, can I be like a part-time Jew?

-- Dick Tator (, February 11, 2002.

Yes, I've seen Tamara at Anarchy. I still check the new posts there.

Rootbeer Man, glad to see you've made it past the gestapo and been able to join us.

Jules, good to see you, too. Do you know what happened to Rita by any chance? She didn't kill her dogs, did she?

Oh, let's see, who else is there;

Jump-off Joe, you've been fairly regular.

And, of course, his excellency, the honarable Dick Tator, not to be confused with all those other dictators.

And don't forget the misc. cast of supporting actors and regulars whose names escape me at the moment.

-- Okie Dan (, February 11, 2002.

My PC crashed, and the only I-net acess I have now is monotered either at the Library, or at School, so I have to be careful of what I say. I havent been able to check my e-mail in 2 weeks, the school and library won't let me.

-- Davey Rootbeer (, February 12, 2002.

I figure that Rita got locked up somewhere. In her passport photo she looked a little stressed.

-- (, February 14, 2002.

Me had burnout. Me take um vacation.

-- Nexar (, February 14, 2002.

Nexar, where you um take um a vacation, um? It's still winter here but it has been a mild one. Enron is interesting to watch when they don't claim the fifth. Is Bush really helping the environment with his global warming proposal? If he is I bet he has inside info that our planet is in serious trouble and that he isn't doing enough. Of course, I could be wrong and he is becoming a little bit Green. I've never bought a bridge.

-- the big J exploit (, February 14, 2002.

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