
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

My house was reposessed in 1990(jan)heard nothing until nov 1998.Asking for 22k totally out of the blue.due to fright i negotiated 5k @ £50 instalments and paid about 10 inst during 2 years then told them after learning about this site and the namv etc that i wasnt prepared to pay anymore and i have recently instructed namv to represent me.Do you think i have wavered any rights to 6 yr/12yr rule if it exists anyway.The lender is cibc/hmc/abbey/davis&co.All advice appreciated.

-- dan (cibcrepo95406929@aol.com), February 07, 2002


Yes you did admit liability but I would still argue the toss and get it settled - claim ignorance of the Law and that you were pressured into the payments without all the facts. They have 12 years to chase you from the date of the repo.....must be nearly up surely?

-- Too scared to say (iwasduped@yahoo.com), February 07, 2002.

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