Cooking Hint of the Day - Making Your Own Pizza : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

Making you own pizzas are fast (you can have one prepared, baked and ate before the pizza delivery guy would even get there!) and easy if you freeze your dough ahead of time.

Freezing Pizza Dough: Let the batch rise once, then punch it down and separate it into pices, each large enough for one crust. Shape the pices into balls, then flatten them into disks and wrap separatelin in heavy plastic wrap or freezer bags. The dough will keep in the freezer for up to four months. To thaw, place the dough in the refrigerator the night before you are going to use it, then let it warm completely to room temp before shaping.

-- Karen (, February 07, 2002


Response to Cooking Hint of the Day

A good fast pizza crust for mini pizza's is to use flour tortillas. Put the tortilla in an aluminum pie pan, add sauce, cheese, and toppings and put in a 350 degree oven until the edges of the crust brown and the cheese melts. Usually takes mine 6-8 minutes, depending on the amount of topping. Good indivual pizza with a thin, crispy crust! Mona Lea in SE Missouri

-- Mona Lea (, February 07, 2002.

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