Hard water build up and vinegar

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

We have very hard water and we get a build up in outdoor and indoor pet dishes. Also, the ice cube trays get that crusty, gritty build up too. I discovered that hot vinegar removes it cheaply. I boil the vinegar and pour it in. Boy, it sizzles and foams! I let it sit, sometimes using a long handled rush to swish it around and rinse. We had a outside pet water dish that DH thought was hopeless. It was green and ugly. It came out just like new. It was much cheaper than buying another heated water dish for the dog.

-- Ardie/WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), February 06, 2002


Same here, Ardie! I buy vinegar by the gallons. I use it on my sinks, etc. by covering the area to be cleaned with rags or paper towels and then satuating them with vinegar. Works better than any of the $7 a bottle cleaners I've tried.

-- Lenette (kigervixen@webtv.net), February 06, 2002.

I use it to clean about everything. It also is a mild bleaching agent. I used to clean houses for a living, some for cleaning companies, and had to use what they said, that stuff doesn't work any better than vinegar.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (atilrthehony@hotmail.com), February 06, 2002.

I agree with all the posters above-----I as well as Cindy have chemical poinsioning & no immune system to chemicals----so Vinegar--- is what we use for most everything----if it needs extra----cleaning--- your right "heat" the vinegar---it will take away soap scum etc-- faster if it is really hot---or give it time to soak!!!

Need a good hair rinse----add vinegar to the rinse water---it will bring your hair back to the P.H. it should be- & make it shine also!!

There are a million uses for vinegar!!!!

-- Sonda (sgbruce@birch.net), February 07, 2002.

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