My company is hiring live-in managers, NOW! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

If you wanted a job where you could put away some money, relocate to another area and plunk down some money on some land there is a job opening for you!

Requires a couple, not more than two children (it comes with a 2BR apartment and VA law requires children of opposite sex to each have their own bedroom, and then only 2 children same sex allowed per bedroom)

To operate a storage facility in Hopewell VA.

Some prior working with public is good. Waitressing, sales, etc.

Some mechanical knowledge good.

Computer skills a plus

Pays minimum wage + BONUSES, free rent and utilities. You provide your own phone and cable. Includes washer/dryer.

Not desireable for the disabled as you also have to be able to hook up trailers, tow dollies and auto transports.

Benefits are great. 2 weeks paid vacation after first year. Paid schooling, medical, dental, 401K, stock, no mandatory retirement if you want to make a living out of it. Not to hard to transfer to another job within the company at a later date if you want.

If you don't have a lot of bills, this is a good opportunity to save some money for your homestead.

We did it and got free management training/experience to boot.

They are going to ask for a one year commitment but there is no contract to say you must stay for an entire year. They ask you at three months if you want to stay or not.

My boss is worn out trying to cover that store and ours (my hubby had congestive heart failure and can't work right now).

So, if you need a job, want to relocate to VA and are married, email me and give me your info, ie addy, phone #, etc. I will give him the info.

Must be able to move as soon as possible. Possible help with moving expenses.

-- Stephanie Nosacek (, February 06, 2002


As a side note, some gas stations are doing that very same thing here in NC, the cashiers area is right in the "house", and there is no walk in facilities, just soda machines outside, smokes and some candy inside, you ask for what you want at the drive in window.

-- Kevin in NC (, February 06, 2002.

For whatever this might be worth to someone considering this, I looked into doing something similar a few years back. I had considered building a larger structure where what is now my office stands. I'd looked into going up to a second story and reducing my living expenses by consolodating some of the home and work overhead in the same building. While I liked the idea so far as the way the numbers worked out, the idea of always being "at work" just wasn't for me. I find I enjoy getting away and keeping the two thing separate. Before you commit to living where you work, think about how you'll like being there all the time. I hope this helps.

-- Gary in Indiana (, February 06, 2002.

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