DURST M601 questions/lens board, bulb for CLS66greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I'm new to this enlarger...many questions. 1./ when enlarging 35mm I have a 50mm lens. Which lensboard (by name) do I need? 2./when enlarging 120 film with a 1' x 11/16 image x same what lens board to use with a 75mm lens? 3./ I am using a sivobox 66 to get even illumination of my negs but I dont have enough light to really focus, especially when I am making 30" x 40" murals...the last one had a 10 minute exposure.The power source for the cls 66 says it has an output of 27 amps. Its currently being used with a 100watt halogen bulb using 12 amps. I've just ordered a 200 watt halogen bulb using 24 amps. Is this going to help or will it blow up the bulb or melt the neg?
I have been buying pieces for the enlarger piecemeal from Ebay, not knowing what I really need...I've had to construct my own lens board out of 1/4 inch foam core as a stop gap measure, and also construct my own negative carrier with three pieces of foam core as I cant find a carrier.
Other pieces I own and dont know what to do with are a Sivobox 35, Sivocon 50 and two Sivocon 80's. I also removed the diamond shaped frosted plastic piece attached to the bottom of the cls66 apparatus, hoping to increase the light.
what do I need to use (all the bits and pieces)for enlarging 35mm negs and 120 film? thanks in advance.
-- Nancy McGinn (muskoka36@hotmail.com), February 05, 2002
Check with the Jobo folks www.jobo-usa.com but I'm pretty sure the flat board is LAPLA 39 for the longer lens and SIRIOTUB for the 50mm lens. If the SIRIOTUB will fit, it's a current M605 part and whatever the current-coded flat board is would also fit. These things turn up often on ebay. I have no idea if any other carrier would fit.Dichro heads are often rather dim; for wall projection I think you'd be better off using condensor illumination. The dichro head is replaced by a flat panel that contains a 45-degree mirror (no idea the code) plus you'd also need the bulb socket. The two Sivocon 80s are condensors for a 75/80mm lens, while (I think) you replace the top one with the Sivocon 50 for use with a 50mm lens.
Probably best to just look for a clean used condensor M601 and swap out parts or the entire heads as needed.
-- John Hicks (jhicks31@bellsouth.net), February 07, 2002.
I have a M601 with condensor head. I use the same lensboard (Setopia 2839) for both 50mm and 80mm lenses. It is resessed about 1/2". I have the Sivocon 50 and 80 condensors and I would have thought they were for use with the condensor head. I put the Sivocon 50 and one Sivocon 80 in (curved surfaces together which is the only way you can put them in my enlarger head) to print with a 50mm lens and use two Sivocon 80's when using the 80mm lens. I know someone who I think uses the CLS66 head, I'll ask them to have a look at your question.
-- Nigel Smith (nlandgl@unite.com.au), February 07, 2002.
Thank you for responding...I will look into a condenser head as suggested, I only print b&w so havent any need for the colour cls unit, thanks.
-- Nancy McGinn (muskoka36@hotmail.com), February 07, 2002.