Critique please : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hi all I put a new folder into my portfolio. Chypsies in Hungary (12 photos).When I hear Chypsies, Josef Koudelka shows up in my mind. But unfortunately I had only about 2 hours to do the job. That's a newspaper photographer's destiny. Anyway, please critique. Thank you. Michael

-- Michael Wildi (, February 05, 2002


IMO you should be more aware of light and shade. In the pretty harsh light you have been photographing in caused the shades to be too dark. A +1 or so in the outdoor shots would have done the trick in most prints

E.g the women in front of the blue houses. The face lacks detail but the houses are ok. As you pointed left of the women, the light measurement was done there.

I like the pic with the two childeren in front and the woman inthe back. The difference in facial expression is fun.


-- ReinierV (, February 05, 2002.

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