measurement for outdoor rabbit : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I would like some measurements for building rabbit hutches my children are taking rabbits for a 4-H projects and I think it would be good if they had to help build to hutches as well as taking care or the animal. We live in Wyoming about 35 miles from Jackson Hole, it does get rather cold here sometimes.
-- Karalee Reinhardt (, February 04, 2002
how many rabbits you want to keep,, they can be made most any size,, just fit your needs,,, make it as big as whatever you are going to use as a roof
-- Stan (, February 04, 2002.
Hi, I make my cages 24 inches deep by 36 inches long and 18 inches high. It gives them room to move around a little and is large enough for a buck and doe to mate- also large enough for a doe to raise her litter. Daryll
-- Daryll in NW FLA (, February 04, 2002.
Seems that you would want the hutch big enough so that the full grown rabbit can sit, stretch out, and stand up comfortably on its hind legs when full grown. Some sources say they need space equal to 4-6 times the size of the mature rabbit, or 1/2 - 3/4 of a square foot per pound of mature weight.
-- BC (, February 04, 2002.
Karalee, I have some plans I made up. I think these hutches work the best for me. The whole cage is covered, so it keeps out the snow and rain. I like this because I am able to use litter boxes so the rabbits don't go to the bathroom in their houses. I cover the outside with clear plastic wrap, leaving the bottom open in the winter. If you'd like, I can send them to you. They are 2x4 or 2x8 if you want a double cage.
-- Dee (, February 04, 2002.