how long before you can candle? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
How long must eggs incubate before candling them will reveal whether or not they are viable?
-- chuck in md (, February 04, 2002
If I remember correctly, it is from 9 to 11 days, with white eggs, with brown eggs I have never been able to "see" what was going on :- )!!!
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, February 04, 2002.
I remember something in my incubator directions that said 3 days.....could that be possible? They do have the veins very quickly! I had trouble with my brown eggs too. I finally used my son's little maglite flashlite and kinda zeroed in the light with my hand around the large end of the egg. Did that in my pantry...LOL! Oh....I never throw any eggs out after just the few days. I just can't stand it if I am wrong about one of the babies. I always let them go longer than I should and sometimes PU!
-- Nan (, February 04, 2002.
I'm able to tell if the white eggs my white jap bantams lay are fertile as early as 4 days. It takes about 7 days to confirm the dark brown eggs from my golden laced cochin.
-- Buk (, February 04, 2002.
You can candle eggs at 10 days and if you want to be double sure wait til 2 weeks. I always candled at night with all the lights out. You'ld be amazed at all you can see just make sure it's perfectly dark and the only light source is your candler. GOOD LUCK!!
-- Carla (, February 04, 2002.