Your Favorite Mousetrap? : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Just when I think there are no mice in the house, I uncover evidence that they are about. Just got through getting rid of a family of them. We've tried several different kinds, but I'm sure there are better ones yet. Puhleeze don't say "get a cat." The cats do a great job in the barn and outdoors, but we don't like having animals in the house (much to the dismay of the grandchildren).

What are your favorites?

-- HV (, February 02, 2002


.22, ratshot, apply as needed.

-- mitch hearn (, February 02, 2002.

reglar spring trap,, baited with meat,, that really works

-- Stan (, February 02, 2002.

We put out small tins with some kind of liquid with carbonated water-- -like coke--or 7-up----mice can't burb & they roll over & die--- then dispose of it!! End of mouse----no traps to run---no cats---just a can of pop---in small containers!! We use to milk several cows & had a milking barn---we also put it out in the milk barn---if something else drank it---nothing else was hurt as with poisions!! Best wishes---happy hunting!!

-- Sonda in Ks. (, February 02, 2002.

Just One Bite, mouse/rat poison works wonders. around here, i can only find it at feed stores. Toss the little bags up in the attic, or buy the "sticks" of poison that you break off and put into a piece of pipe so other pets can't get to it.

And, believe it or not, i was one that actually started out with live mouse traps. wanted to do things the humane way. i would catch them & tote them off to an open pasture for the hawks to eat. that got old quick, so i tried the victor spring traps. got fed up with those, too. and here i am using the one thing i vowed to never use...poison!


-- Buk (, February 02, 2002.

I usually use the snap traps as I don't have the poison due to access of too many kids or kritters. I have 14 set in the barn at the moment. Just be sure they are where no chicks or loose rabbits can get them! We had a rabbit named Mouse Trap due to getting a foot caught in a mouse trap when he was small. (He healed up and did fine) But I think I'll try the soda pop, does it really work that well? Sounds too simple! Denise K.

-- Denise K. (, February 03, 2002.

C'mon Mitch -- .22?? Can't even imagine what your place looks like if you've actually tried that method!

-- HV (, February 03, 2002.

Her name is Tickles and she is 10 years old.

I couldn't keep up with my trap line and there was always the one trap I would forget about until I smelled it. Who woulda' known that answering a classified ad, "Free cat, great mouser, will deliver" would bring this petite, beautiful young calico into our family? Mice? I only see them spinning on the end of her claws.

-- Laura (, February 03, 2002.

I use the old Victors spring traps. I have tried about all the different glue traps and never caught a single mouse. One spring trap set next to the "chicken bucket" under my kitchen sink and I catch them every time. They all seem to go there. I don't even bait the traps. I think they hit the trap coming out of the bucket full of kitchen scraps. At least they die happy. I have never felt all that humane toward mice. Just hate touching the gross spring traps after the kill. In my opinion.......mice and snails...are my enemies.

-- Jenny (, February 03, 2002.

HV, I have a lot of fun - keeping people alert!!

-- mitch hearn (, February 03, 2002.

spring trap baited with peanut butter and chocolate

-- Rich in Gville (, February 03, 2002.

A small amount of dry mortar or concrete mix powder mixed with a larger amount of corn meal works great. They love the corn meal and inevidebly get some mortar with it and it sets up concrete on their insides and kills them. Also be sure all holes coming into your house are well sealed especially where pipes enter your house. We have seen mice in our garage and of course barn and chicken coop but never in the house because it is well sealed. If I did ever see one in the house I think I would go ballistic!! I HATE those things and I'm also scared of them!!

-- Barb in Ky. (, February 03, 2002.

been a long time since I had to deal with mice but I always used the victor spring traps, baited with peanut butter. I never liked using poison for the house because they don't always leave the house before they die and a dead mouse in the wall can be pretty unpleasant. Cats outside will at least keep the general population down. I did use poison in the shop, springhouse and barn and never seemed to have a problem with our animals eating it.

-- Dave (, February 03, 2002.

Jenny, are you in California? I've been here almost 2 years and these #$@!!& snails have driven me crazy at times. Last year I spent quite alot of time around the garden at night with a spray bottle of salt water with a few drops of dishsoap in it.

-- Dave (, February 03, 2002.

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