LF drum scans in Canada

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone have a good digital lab for having high quality drum scans from negs/trannies(eg Tango etc) in Canada?

I can't seem to find anywhere decent.

Tim A

-- Tim Atherton (tim@kairosphoto.com), February 02, 2002


Tim: Colourgenics does good work although I do not know what brand of scanner they have. The scans from transparencies they have done for me indicate their scanners have quite high DMAx and resolution. From Photoshop I can see that the scans were properly made. Also, they are clean from dust and other annoyances. I have not tried BGM but I am told their drum scanner is worth about $60-70K. The problem at both these places I find is cost. If you are OK and happy with plunking $100Can into making a 100MB scan, suitable for about a 16X20" print, well and fine. I am not. One of Imacon's high end scanners, with 5.7DMax and 4800 dpi has come down in price to $5000US. This scanner should be more than adequate and equivalent to good drum scanners. Let us hope that will reflect into more reasonably priced scans. As things are now, I may have to say goodby to LF , go back to MF and get a Nikon Coolscan 8000. For me, the cost of the LF digital darkroom is way out. I'd like to hear from others.

-- Julio Fernandez (gluemax@sympatico.ca), February 02, 2002.

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