How to clean the : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread |
All right folks, heres the homestead way to clean the bathroom. First get a goodsize muddy animal who scampered in the creek and now smells like dead fish and algea. A smallish goat is about right or a dog will do-you all can have mine if you want, I'd be glad to sacrifice her.... A couple of grimy children will do in a pinch. Wash child or animal thouorghly in the tub using lots of soap, shampoo and water-make sure the water goes EVERYWHERE! let the animal shake herself so there is water on the ceiling. After dogs, goats and children are clean, dry them off and send them out. Next pour a little of your faorite cleaner on the floor-vinagar will work, heck, kitchen cleaner will work what ever you want. Then with a spongy mop-the kind that has the lever so that you don't have to bend over, mop the floor. Flush the toilet (just in case) and use it for a bucket to rinse your mop, thereby also cleaning the toilet as you go. Take an old ratty towel(-just about any one of mine will work here...) and wipe the floor dry. Then with same towel, wipe off the tub, the back outside of the toilet, the top and any other surfaces. Get a child who likes to spray stuff to spray a little weak ammonia/water mix on the windows and mirror and polish with an old cloth diaper. And thus, we do our chores on the homestead.....
-- Kelly (KY) (, February 02, 2002
Great Idea Kelly,I have a bathroom that needs cleaning, Lets see now, one dog, I have a 80 pd hound. Na too short of hair. Okay I will use the my fluffy white cat.I got the door shut, or I will never see the cat again. Okay spray some water all over the place. Now where is that cat. Just a second I got to peel the cat off the shower curtain rod, How did that shower curtain get all shredded. Oh well didn"t like it any way. Which end of this cat to you hang on to any way? You know I don"t think this is going to work, Lost the cat again. Kelly I loved this post,
-- Irene texas (, February 02, 2002.
Two of my children did one bathroom each this morning; no dog or goat available, so they used the rag-and-bucket method. I'll have to remember the mop-in-toilet method in the summer when the children come in all muddy and the water in the bathroom is an inch deep!
-- Cathy N. (, February 02, 2002.
I alway mop the ceiling and walls before I do the floor.
-- Laura (, February 02, 2002.
I would only tell this to may closest friends who will never see my house... clean your tiolet bleach works flush, put cleaner into clean tiolet,,,bleach works,,,use tiolet as a mop bucket,,,mop floors,,, when done simply flush tiolet,,, Important make sure toilet is thoroughly clean and disenfected,,,lastly never tell a soul you do this...
-- ronda (, February 03, 2002.
follow up, I learned the toilet trick from a janitorial service. ha
-- ronda (, February 03, 2002.
If you happen to have a spare can of coke around, pouring that into the bowl and waiting a few hours before you flush will eliminate any rings. That's an old college dorm trick. ;o)
-- Gary in Indiana (, February 05, 2002.