digital negatives : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Can anybody share their exprience(s) with me in the realm of making digital negatives for contact printing using inkjet printers. I currently shoot 4x5 films.(T-Max) Can you get very good negatives that will print very well in comparison to using imagesetters. I know there is a book by Dan Burkholder. However I want comments from somebody who has actually tried this out. Thank you for all your previous comments and responses.

Mo Kenny

-- mo kenny (, February 01, 2002


You will probably find it easier to make enlarged negatives the old fashioned way, film to film.

-- Dan Smith (, February 02, 2002.

I haven't tried this but I have actually seen (upclose & in person as a friend of mine owns several)) many of Dan Burkholder's prints. You can take what he says to the bank -- the quality is astonishing: smooth creamy terific gradation and littleto know grain. There is a phenomenal sense of dimensionality and light in his prints.

-- Ellis Vener Photography (, February 02, 2002.

I have made pt/pd prints from Dan's method using an imagesetter for final output. I scanned a 4x5 type 55 contact proof and had it enlarged to 8x10. It looked great. No complaints. Still after all of the learning and sending my stuff to an service beureua(sic?) and expense I ended up buying an 8x10 C1. But I don't know how it works with an inkjet.

eck wh

-- eck wheeler (, February 02, 2002.

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