Trained and Equipt : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Dear All

Do you think that minister need to be trained and equipt with the required skills to work on the following areas;1) church growth, 2) youth developement etc. As it seems that some minister don't have a vision for their church and people.(in South Africa) How do we expand if our leaders don't show some vision through their skills. "Were theirs no vision the people perish"



-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002


This raises an interesting question that Prof. Dickens brought attention to on this board several years ago. That is, what is the balance between "training" and "unction"?

First and foremost an expositor of the Gospel must be called of God. There are many who can speak a good word, there are many who can teach the word, but they may not necessarily be called to preach. The Calling must first be there.

Assuming that it is, in our current cultural context training is indeed important. The Discipline prescribes a course of study for all who would enter ministry through the AME church, and provides a foundation for ministry. But training does not end at the Elder ordination, or at the awarding of the M. Div. Lifelong training/learning is paramount to vibrant ministry, and we as congregations should support the continued maturation and growth of our leaders.

Several districts within the connection have come together to provide a taste of such "continuous education." The Joint Institute for Ministers encompasses at least the 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, and 13th districts, and I'm told other districts may be joining this activity. It occurs in the early spring, and provides seminars to our clergy that strengthen and enrich their skills.

Local churches should also look for ways to improve their staff. Secular education in areas such as administration, financial management, and leadership may be of use to a pastor. Working with the presiding elder to conitnue the growth path in evangelism, pastoral care and counseling, etc., shouldn't be overlooked.

There are many more things, but I just wanted to scrape the iceberg to get us started.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

I feel your pian here in Florida, we are a number one church with a pstor with little to education ithe area of church growth ex. persons join ther is nothe inplace to keep them there, they leave and go where the can grow spiritually. Youth developement at my church is at it's lowes peak the young peopl leave once they are in theit teen years. So Yes brother jerome ministers should have some type of training in those areas. Look at the churches that are growing, the offer much more than we do.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2002

To me training is very important. In S A is seems to take a back seat. Theological Training is not seen as a priority. As a theological student myself I'm conserned about the fact that the only Episcopal District in Africa, that has a Theological Seminary is the 19th. When Completing studies you want a minister that can talk to skilled people as their equal.

I would like to see emphasis put on the training of ministers in Africa. With African Jurisdiction looming. We need ministers the Educational equals of their American counterparts.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2002

Now, after a few weeks after i sent this mail, I had an experience with an minister that don't know how to handle a certain issue. Thats why I think it is so imparitive that our church leaders gets eguipt in counsiling ect for every kind of issue that might effect the church. Leaders on a higher level should realy consider to trained our people.



-- Anonymous, April 23, 2002

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