Happy February

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I want to wish every one a happy February......This is a great month to think spring. In some parts it warm enough for flowers to come up and others for us to start our seeds in doors.

-- Jo in Central Wa. (countryjo16@hotmail.com), February 01, 2002


Happy Febuary to you too, Jo! Oh it was warm yesterday and it made me think so much of spring.....I've seen some daffidills popping up. Today, though its rainy and winding and cold-more typical Febuary weather.

I know we are all trying to save money and all, but I couldn't resist buying some potted up plants. Many stores now have forced daffidills, crocus, tulips, a. violets and such, for just a couple of dollars each. I bought some to give to my MIL, who's ill, Grandparents who don't get out and my husbands office to perk it up. And I bought one for myself to put in my kitchen window for a bit of color.

-- Kelly in Ky (homearts 2002@yahoo.com), February 01, 2002.

Jo -- Happy February to you also---& to everyone else----you know the time just seems to fly by-- I can't believe Christmas has been here & gone----the days & weeks & years just seem to fly by---is it my age????

-- Sonda in Ks. (sgbruce@birch.net), February 01, 2002.

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