Another Omega B22 Question : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Hello. I have heard the praise for the B22 for 35mm. Assumming that it is set up correctly for 2 1/4, is this enlarger capable of producing excellent results with 2 1/4 negatives? Thank you.


-- Francis T. Knapik (, January 31, 2002


Sure, but remember it's designed only for 2 1/4 x 2 1/4, nothing larger. Use a decent 75 or 80 mm lens and be sure to remove the supplementary condenser.

-- Conrad Hoffman (, January 31, 2002.

It works very well for 2 1/4 square negatives, it just won't go any bigger. Get a decent lens in the suggeste range and you'll be pleased. There is a small condensor that sits on top of the big ones and you need to take it out.

-- Kevin Crisp (, February 05, 2002.

I have a b22 and havent used it in a while.....can't remember when to put the extra condenser in??? for 35 or 2 1/4


-- ajvin (, March 28, 2002.

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