B22greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Having trouble getting even light coverage. Where does the supplementary condenser lens go in the Omega B22 when printing 35mm format? Also, are two different lens boards needed for doing 35mm and 2 1/4 format? Thanks TONY
-- TONY (tony12334@yahoo.com), January 30, 2002
The B-22 sup condenser is mounted in a little sheet metal frame with two tabs that point skyward. You set it right on top of the main condensers by removing the lamphouse. If I remember right (it's been decades) the B-22 uses a flat lens board and can accomodate 50 or 75/80 mm lenses. You can use one board per lens or switch them between a single board (a pain). The B-22 is one of the best B&W 35mm enlargers ever made and should give you even illumination.
-- Conrad Hoffman (choffman@rpa.net), January 30, 2002.
check out the classic enlarger website. A fellow named Harry is an expert on old Omega equipment and is very helpful.
-- Ann Clancy (clancya@mediaone.net), January 30, 2002.
Tony, Make sure you have the correct enlarger bulb! The heavy opaque enlarger bulb is also key as well as the condensers.
-- Scott Walton (scotlynn@shore.net), February 01, 2002.